Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thing #15 I See the Iceberg and it sees me

If you haven't gathered by now, I am a glass is half empty kind of girl. I do try to downplay it with humor and the dreaded sarcasm, but I also try to be a realist though and look at both sides of a situation before shouting that the sky is truly falling.
So when I read Rick Anderson's post, "Away from Icebergs" I had to dive under and get wet. I saw the pretty white points on top and the dangerous jagged edges that lay beneath the surface as well. I can almost always see the value in both sides of any argument. However, after having watched the video about what college students, face it, my own two sons, are facing today, I know that things need to change in the way that we deal with technology in the library and in our schools. Some librarians are already doing a great job. The big question is, am I? Do I want to be part of the problem or part of the solution? And as I swam around that great big hunk of ice that Rick Anderson presented to me, I knew I wanted to be part of the solution. He gives some great advice and I can easily make it fit into my school environment.
So I will chip off a bit of that iceberg (maybe a little off the top and some off of the bottom as well) and fill my half glass to make it a lot fuller.


Cheryl Laucher said...
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Cheryl Laucher said...

Bravo! Well spoken! I really like the layout of your blog - it's very attractive.

Terry said...

Hey! At least you've got water in the glass! My take is that half full folks think everything is fine. Half empty (which it is) is a situation which may need a solution. Far more realistic it seesm to me. Of course, I tend towards the dreaded sarcasm...