Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thing # 9

I enjoyed reading Cool Cat Teacher's blog entry. She had some very useful advice on blogging. That is one I will go back to and read again periodically to remind myself what it's all about and what I need to be looking for as I read others' blogs and as I write my own.
I explored the resources available and found that I like best to use. It was the most clear cut and easiest to understand for me followed by Technorati. The layout of those two were better. I am a visual person so pictures definitely helped. The boxy layout as well. Of course I can always use Atomic Learning to help explain what I don't understand. I found the most confusing and never did quite figure it out. Maybe I just need to go back and give it another try instead of writing it off.
As far as uses for the newsfeeds go, I'll have to do some thinking about that. I am not a huge reader of the news and need to explore how I can use it more in my teaching as well. Once I start reading it more, I will begin to develop more ideas for uses of the news, current events, and the technology of newsfeeds.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

Sounds like a plan! :)