Monday, June 9, 2008

Thing #2 7 1/2 Habits and Lifelong Learners

I am finally starting! Whoo hoo! Long story short, I have no Internet at my apartment and I've lived there for over a month and a half. I am dying! But the service provider keeps putting me off, and I couldn't even get on at Panara Bread this weekend. So now I am having to come up to school to do this until they finally get around to hooking me back up to the world. Waaaa!
With that said... I will say that the hardest habit is number 4, having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. Once I have mastered a skill, the easiest habit is number seven, teaching and mentoring others. I knew from a young age that teaching would be my profession and no matter what it is that I am teaching to others, I try to have patience with them until they have mastered the skill as well. I know from an early experience what it is like to be humiliated in front of others for not being good at something and swore I would never be that kind of teacher. However, because of that, it takes a lot to get me to a level where I do feel that confidence in myself. What a Catch 22, huh!
I know that the 23 Things will do a lot to build up my confidence level and in turn, I will feel great about sharing them with others (all of the other habits combined!) I can't wait to have my Internet back!

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